Weather Incarnates The Villages Gods

Part Five
Fall Of The False

The first thing that they noticed after each had passed through the door was that they were, somehow alone. They looked around to look for the others to see that they were not there. Somehow they were in different rooms it was only then did they realise that the door had teleported them into different arias. After that they all knew that they had hoped that by separating made them make them easy to pick off, a plot that only Weather could appreciate as she walked down a long dark corridor.

Storm was on edge, she did not know how or why but they had been separated somehow. She looked around and could see that wherever she was, it was a long dark corridor that she knew, somehow, that there was a Weatherless in there with her.
She hardly knew what was going on but she knew that she could not let down her guard down for one second.

Rain looked around feeling scared and naked without his twin next him, however he knew that he would have to be brave. He also knew that he and his twin were not the same pacifist, timid boys that they were when they left their village.

Cloud looked around him feeling the same as his twin, however he wondered if their parents would be alive if they had never been born and what they would have been doing. He wished that they could have seen them today and tell them all about their powers.
However he knew that he would have to be strong now, especially now that they had been separated.

Sunny smiled exited that she was alone and able to use her power to produce a small sun. Only to see a Weatherless staring right at her.

Rainbow looked around in the black knowing that there was another in it. She could not tell whether or not that was a good thing for it contained a Weatherless...

Snow looked around remembering that this was a teleportation at work. She remembered from the movies that she and Weather watched while they were adopted sisters. She hoped that now that she was an orphan that her father would return could return the favour and that they would become sisters again.
She heard something move in the darkness and she felt a cold chill run down her spine as she sent an icicle into a heart of a Weatherless in the corridor. Only to quickly realise that that was not the only one wherever in the gold castle she was.

The Black Weather Incarnates found themselves in a bright white room with white cuffs around their wrists. They felt cold and tiered.
Soon a holographic screen came up, seemingly out of nowhere revealing the Weatherless King. The one that took them from their parents and gave them their powers. The one that had brainwashed them to kill their father, the rest of their family, their friends and Cloud and Rains' parents. The one that still haunted their nightmares.
“Hello my Black Weather Incarnates.”
“New Weather Incarnates!” shouted Black Storm.
“New Weather Incarnates, well I must you are an utter failure and even worse, you betrayed me and your other gods.”
“You're not gods alien!” shouted Black Storm.
“Regardless, I have to punish you, so as punishment I will force you to watch the original counterparts die and when they die then you, the Black Weather Incarnate counterpart will die too.” he explained.
“And if they don't?” Black Cloud asked.
“Then, you live, unless Weather dies then you will live.” he explained. “Now silence and watch!”

Weather looked at her enemy. It did not take long to reveal themselves. This meant that there was no time for her to come up with a stratagem. Now, she knew that this was all or nothing, and she would have to rely on her instinct a thing that she knew that might not be good for her.
Weather looked inside her and could feel the presence of the others in different arias of the golden castle. Knowing they too would be fighting their own fights. The only two that she was legitimately worried about were Cloud and Rainbow, nether of them had powers fit for combat. Now the question was did they know it?

Cloud was looking at his foe already knowing that there little chance of him making it out alive. He bit his bottom lip in utter anguish.
Well, if I'm going to die, I might as well bring as many down as possible!
He then broke out into a run and created as much fog as possible so that he would be able to see better in the dark. He smiled knowing that he could see better than he could. He knew that it must have been frustrating for them as it was for him. He turned the cloud poisonous as he grabbed one of their laser guns and shot the Weatherless that held it. He then shot the ones near him. He then did what he could to get away from that spot and shot as much down as possible like he was playing C.O.D and remembered how he would always beat his brother sometimes.
He could see the blood flowing freely that was when he saw a bright flash, he screamed out of pain and he fell but his eyes gripped harder onto his stolen laser as he flicked up and looked at the last one that had hit him. He saw his vision blurred and tears burnt his cheeks and they fired at the same time.

Black Cloud screamed as electricity ran through her body. She then slumped over still.
“Black Cloud? BACK CLOUD!”
Black Rain looked at the Weatherless King with tears in his eyes.
“One down.”

Weather felt a pulse and knew what happened. She also knew that now was not the time to morn. There was plenty of time after for that. When all the Weatherless were either dead or off the face of the planet. The only thing that she hoped was that Rain would be alright after this, even-though her gut told her that was a vain hope, after all she hadn't yet gotten over her parents deaths.

Sunny looked at her foes, her lip curled.
“This is so gonna mess up my hair.” she moaned as she released her her miniature sun and positioned it in the centre of the group and then released one gigantic solar-flair from it burning them all before any one of them had the time or chance to do a thing. Not even the ashes remained.

“Ha! Go Sunny!”
“Yeah that's what I'm talking about!”
The Weatherless King chuckled chillingly.
“Have you not forgotten that there are still five left? Sure, if she did have a black counterpart then he would be one step closer to freedom, that would hang on whether or not Weather survives or not!” he taunted.

Tornado looked around and could see that her enemies surrounded her and that they deard not attack as long as she had a tornado surrounding her. With this in mind she knew to surround herself with more and more tornados and then as they fired their lasers the heat of the lasers combined to create a firenado. Smiling as she saw this she then put it to good use and had them all spin around her and expanded out until the Weatherless were caught up and burnt and soon they were a bunch of ashes around the edges of the room.

Rain looked at his with fire, somehow already knowing that his twin was dead. Then it started to rain in the corridor and soon it was raining heavily. He then reached out a hand and aimed it at one of the lasers and cut it in half!He looked at them and smiled as electricity ran through from the laser and into the rest killing them all.

Storm did not even give them a chance to fight mack the moment she saw them was the moment she sent sparks their way. The place boomed with the sound of her unnaturally loud drums.

Weather knew that she would have to come up with a strategy and that she did not have the time. Her thoughts were telling her to get hold of a laser and then she will be fine. So armed with this knowledge she dived to the nearest Weatherless and hit him in his groin and stole his laser. She then let out a rain of fire like as if she was playing a video game.
Her eye caught sight a laser coming at her and her hand flicked out and a lightening bolt flew out of it! She looked at her hand in a moment of awe. Now she knew why she was called Weather, and why she existed. She was the thread, and her gut told her that if she died then the other would too...
She closed her eyes and then rain came down along with tornados and a small sun came out of nowhere and snow came from it then soon there was a storm and then the wind picked up but the only thing missing was clouds. Soon the Weatherless were all dead.

Snow looked at her army, it was all too clear that she had the most. Quickly she created a shield of ice around her just before the Waetherless fired their lasers at her and quickly cracks appeared. Knowing that here would be a limit to when the shield would break she had to get to work as quickly as possible. She soon dropped the temperature below zero and snow fell heavily. Soon the laser blasts stopped.
She looked around and melted her wall of ice. She walked on and then she saw a flash of light and she raised her ice before it hit and she saw the laser guns in the corners. They were all pointing at her. She sent icicles at them as a door opened in front of her. She walked up to it and poked her finger through it and spotted that the door and spotted that it was safe. Then the others appeared in the same room where the rest of the Black Weather Incarnates chained up.
They then spotted four corpses in the room, Cloud, Black Cloud and Rainbow and Black Bow! They all looked at them in horror, and Weather knew that they must have been killed at the same time as Cloud and Black Cloud.
Then the cuffs fell. Rain and Black Rain ran over to their fallen twin and picked them up and turned to the doors to leave only for them too see them close in front of them. They looked back only to see the Weatherless King's bead-like eyes narrow like half moons. His eyes pointed to a count-down!
They all looked at him with anger in his eyes. They then looked at each-other their anger turned to determination. Their thoughts were the same.
No, we are not going to die here!
They all grouped together and gripped each-other's hands. A tornado smashed the roof and then they were taken in the air. Then they moved forward and far way and they saw the building explode.

Later the Weatherless King was greeted by an angry mob now with their brainwashing gone. He died within the hour. His corpse was eaten by hungry homeless cats and dogs that died of food poisoning.


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