The Weather Incarnates Gathering

Part Six

Storm and Tornado looked at the twins behind her.
“What are you doing here? Who are they?” she asked confused but still on guard her eyes still red of her crying.
“Well, Storm, Tornado, I would like you to meet Cloud and Rain.” she said gesturing the two. “And they are Weather Incarnates just like you, and I am here to help guide you to stop the Weatherless from destroying this planet, just like they did theirs after a long war against the Weather Incarnates that was born on their planet and those who welcomed them.”
“So, you're not taken into their 'God' act?” she asked. She shook her head.
“Now, it is very late and the four of you have had a long day so I will stay watch while you sleep okay?” she said. Storm sighed.
“Sure!” she said as she went to go to sleep. The next day when they were all rested up they were lead by Storm's grandmother to a black minibus. With nine seats. Storm sat at the back with Tornado with a seat between them. She looked at herself in the reflection as she leant her head against the cold glass. She was soon greeted by green and grey as she tried not to notice the twins anxious stare.
“So granny where're we going?” she asked to take her mind off things.
“To the one who opened my eyes. Although, I do have to tell you my son and daughter in law are dead as well as you other ants and uncles.” she knew she had to tell her. Storm closed her eyes as sorrow stung at her. She knew that she was never going to have her parents welcome her nor treat her as anything other than an enemy, but she had, occasionally entertained the thought.
“So mum and dad are dead?”
“Yes Storm they are.” she said.
“It's 'David' remember?”
“I haven't forgotten. I prefer to call you by the name that I gave you after all you are the storm incarnated.” she explained.
“Yeah and don't I know it.” she said under her breath as they turned a corner and off the beaten track. She banged her head several times as the bumps sent tremors through the minibus. The twins and Tornado almost had a heart attack as the racket rose. Which ended at a mouth of a cave that seemed to go on forever.
They all downloaded out of the bus and spotted that there was a star in the distance of the cave. It came closer and closer and became dimmer and dimmer and became the shape of a girl that looked as it she was in her late teens. Her hair was gold and eyes like the sun with white pupils. She looked at them and closed her eyes as she gave the biggest smile that they had ever seen.
“Hello! You must be the other Weather Incarnates!” she sang her voice joyful and annoyingly bubbly. She ran up close to Storm.
“So you must be must be Storm. My I must admit I owe you tenner mum. Anyway, I'm Aunty Sunny.” she sang as she held out a flat hand. Storm growled as she punched the girl in her happy face.
“Get away from me you creep!” she shouted.
“Like that's not what you do to your youngest aunty! So like show some respect for your elders!” she wined her voice void of sincerity.
“Yeah well let me tell you three things, one, I do not care if you are my aunty, two, if you want my respect earn it and three there is only about three or four years between us!” Storm stormed.
“Oh, you're no fun! So after all of this wanna go shopping? I mean that look! Those clothes! So emo!” she sang.
“No and what do you mean by emo? And there's nothing wrong with my clothes!” she snapped.
“C'mon Stormy lighten up will you?” she winked. Storm gave her evils for a moment but then looked away.
“I do not care for you.” she sighed.
“So, where are we going?” Cloud asked.
“To get the one that started this all off. Snow. It was her discovery that had the Weatherless send those villagers after you.” she said as they climbed back on the minibus. They then drove off and into a town. She slowly drove to a one way road as they came to a beech. There they could see two girls, playing in the sand alone. One with white hair and eyes with a face just as so and a brunette. Well that was what it looked like, for what they were actually doing a complicated sum.
Weather and Snow had been adopted sisters for eight months now. She had seen that there was gaps in her education and had took it upon herself to fill them. She had filled them well and Snow was a quick learner. Now they were at the stage where the girl was getting to her level of intelligence and showed signs of genius levels of intellect.
Snow looked up and was the first to see the black minibus and then from it a girl ran up to them and Snow gripped her by the collar of her top and with one hand flung her down onto the sum in the sand and pointed the sick at her with an intimidating look in her eyes.
“Who the Hell are you and what do you want?” she snapped. The girl let out a passive groan.
“C'mon not you too!” she moaned.
“I asked you a question now answer me!” Snow asked coolly.
“I can see why they call you Snow. Man you're as cold as ice!” she commented as she looked past Snow to the other girl. “Oh my gosh! Is that Weather! I didn't expect you!”
“Enough, just answer my sister's question.”
She gave a false sorrowful look.
“Are you like all totally like this?” she asked.
“Snow! Let Sunny go.” hissed an old woman. Snow looked up at her with a questioning look in her eyes.
“Only if you explain what who the Hell you lot are or I will freeze all of you to death.” she said without hesitation. The old woman could see in her eyes that she would do it.
“She is a Weather Incarnate just like you, just like her niece and these three, deer. I plan to gather you all up and train you to fight the Weatherless and to stop them from destroying this planet.” she said also without hesitation.
“So you're not taken in with this 'God' act of theirs?” Weather asked.
“No deer, I believe in only one.” she said as Snow let go of Sunny.
“I'm sorry I will have to decline lady, my sister and I have to go home.” she said, dragging Snow with her before she could even think about accepting. Knowing that if she was to, then her father would have protected her for nothing. She rushed the girl away from them and when she was confident that they were out of earshot Weather started talking.
“So, what you said was true.” she deduced
“Yes, even-though I knew better than to expect you to believe me.” Snow admitted as she scratched an itch on the back of her neck. “So will-”
Snow's face dropped as the girls stood before their house. There ware only twin planks hanging of the door. As they approached the broken door frame they spotted blood coated rubbish on the floor. Their hearts started to sink as the vomit in their guts stared to rise. Weather had to keep her composure as she saw an unmoving leg of her father. She found herself shaking and as she full corpse was revealed with the word BLASHPHEMER cut into his forehead. Her eyes then widened further as she felt her legs getting weak. She then saw the corpse of her mother with the word WITCH cut into hers. It was all to clear to see that their organs were out and their throats mincemeat.
She let out a scream as Snow looked up and then it was her turn to scream as her eyes read the writing above their heads; Don't you care for daddy? Weather fell to her knees as the tears fell. Suddenly she too started to feel sorrow as her tears fell until she too fell to her knees. Their mouths in the shapes of beaks as snot ran.
Meanwhile back in the minibus Cloud and Rain started to cry quickly followed be Storm and Tornado. Even Sunny started to cry! The old woman hid her face as the observed this.
“Weather's in pain.” she said her voice shaking. “We have to drive up to collect her.”
Weather was still crying as she drove up to them. Gently they were guided to the minibus. Snow sat next to her as the sisters comforted each-other. Sunny knew better than to invade their space.


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