
Showing posts from 2018

The Anti-Fairy Tales The Ice Of The White Demon Arc Part Two

Castle Of Ice Pheoshan finally arrived the following day at the double doors of ice with an ivy pattern coming from the bottom to the top. It had a triangular shape with seven towers that rose with the upper two connected by a tunnel. The whole thing looked like a life sized beautiful toy palace. Even the towers and walls had the ivy pattern poking out from what would have been the walls! Then she saw that the double doors had white roses as their knobs, however it became clear that the blue and whit walls even though they were clear you could not see through them. “In awe I see.” came a cold voice from behind. She spun and pulled out her blade before she could even think. “Well why don't you come and see for yourself?” she asked. The ice projection chuckled lightly. “I would rather not.” “Why? Chicken?” “No, I just know better.” “Are you here to gloat?” “Partly and partly to observe even more of the skills that you have in both combat and plain logic.”

The Anti-Fairy Tales The Ice Of The White Demon Arc Part One

The White Demon Pheoshan and her companions had been travelling and training for a month after she was exiled by her father. She had seen that the snow had not subsided. She had thought that winter ended when New Years ended but Coalphyre had told her that it was about nearer the end of Nimon which was like February. At the moment, he had told her, they were in the final two weeks of winter. This she was grateful, she could swear that her fingers and toes would be frozen forever. They could see that the night was drawing in. So they decided to set up camp and Phyredoor set up the fire as they set out to find a rabbit in hibernation. This was how most of their meals were obtained during winter. They then took the corpse back and Coalphyre skinned them and stewed it. They then handed out the bowls and ate. Pheoshan spotted a lump of snow in the far distant horizon and they ate. They all spotted that the lump of snow as coming closer and closer and when it was time to clean up

Princess Cari The Quest Arc Part Five

The Exile Hikari looked at Cari finding it difficult to read her face as they walked away from Scorcher. She seemed distant, the way that she was when she was in deep thought. She seemed paler than usual. She seemed to be colder too. Hikari wanted to ask why but she didn't want to interrupt her sister's thoughts. The trip back seemed to be going faster than Cari remembered and they were in Mie'mory by nightfall. This gave Cari time, time to think about what she had learnt and what she had to do because of it. She knew that she no longer belonged in Fireheart and knew what she would have to do even-though nether she nor Hikari would like it. She then closed her eyes and let her mind sink into dream. In her dream she found that she was sitting with a ripped up tapestry surrounding her and a scarlet tread in her hands. She then spotted that a thin bony hand with scars and hardened fingers and palms. In the fingers was a needle. She reached out and picked up two pie

Princess Cari The Quest Arc Part Four

The Princes Heart Hikari caressed the black feather in her hands barely understanding what was going on, but what she did understand was that her sister had come to rescue her and that the dragon that had kidnapped her had used magic to turn her sister into a feather and she had to get out of Scorcher. She got to her feet and used the core to put her tangled hair up. She then ran away from the heat of the lava and into a forest with orange bark and crimson leaves and yellow grass. She then spotted a shadow in the distance. Quickly, she climbed the tree near her. She looked at him waiting patiently for him to come and pass. Then she saw his white eyes and black hair and black lips and his scull-like face. Her eyes widened in fear as she saw the boy that had done nothing but hurt her for the past year. That was when she spotted something the colour of hey in the top half of her sight. She looked up to see that it was hair. She raised her fingers and suddenly realised that it

Princess Cari The Quest Arc Part Three

The Quest Complete After learning about the truth she knew better than to go to the king of Mie'mory so she came to the boarder of Scorcher. She looked at the high wall that looked like the edges of a dragon wing. Now the question was, how was she going to get in? She knew that whatever she did is was not going to be easy. She looked around and spotted that there were several trees near the wall. This, she knew that was a good place that she could hide for a few days to look at the patterns of whenever they opened the doors. She ran over to them and climbed the tree. She stayed there for several days. She soon noticed that there was a cart filled with hey always at dawn and left by midday. She knew that was the only way in and she somehow had to get in that hay not only as quickly and silently as possible but as lightly as possible. She sat there on that third day thinking on how she could do this. “Hey!” whispered a voice in her ear. She flicked her dagger out and at t

Princess Cari The Quest Arc Part Two

The Conspiracy After leaving her kingdom and her home behind Cari made sure to put a great deal of distance behind her before she put up camp. She took this time to gather her thoughts and figure out where her sister would most likely be. She knew that the dragon did not take her out if the kingdom and across the Royal Sea for even a dragon could not fly that distance, not unless he or she had a meal or two and none of the witnesses reported seeing a food pouch on him or her. She took out her map of the Kingdom Isles and a sandwich that the cook had packed for her. She took a bite and opened the map up. The Kingdom Isles were made up of a circular island which was Fireheart, and the land the others formed a triangle with Lightlot, the kingdom that she was in right now, being the only one that did not have an island. Mie'mory was at the top of the triangle with an island to form the arrow point of the Kingdom Isles and the other two parts were split down the middle ending

Princess Cari The Quest Arc Part One

The Cursed Princess Once upon an unknown time that long ago in the kingdom of Fireheart lived yet another pathetic princess who's father had neglected to teach self defence to. So when she became another victim of yet another dragon abduction, he should not have been surprised. This caused plenty of chaos and rumours spread. For you see, in this kingdom, there was another and older princess. A princess that was born out of wedlock two years before her father got married and had another when she was the age of three. A cursed princess cursed with magic that would cut her every time she used it. She had white eyes instead of the proper crimson eyes of the land and jet black hair instead of the blond of her father. With a big black X on her stomach as a stamp of her curse. A princess named Cari. Even-though her father neglected to teach the youngest daughter self defence he did not do the same with the other. She knew how to fight and she knew that if she was in that room

The Witch Within The Forest Of Illusions Arc

Final Part The Final Time Loc woke up from a nightmare that she quickly forgot but the only thing that she remembered was words that she knew did not make any sense. “'The multiverse is counting on you'? What's a multiverse?” she muttered as she slipped out of her bed knowing that this would be the last time that she would be here. Somehow her gut told her that she would not return but told herself that she would. She had made a promise and she had every intention to keep it. She changed into a yellow vest and crimson coat and black pants. Then she opened the door to be met by Max. “You alright?” he asked concerned. She nodded. “Just a nightmare that's all.” she brushed off as she walked on. They walked into the cafe' and the class sat together. “So, have any of you thought of a way to take down this forest?” she asked. “Well we all tried to burn it down but it was odd...It was as if nether of us had the heart to.” Loc nodded empatheticall

The Witch Within The Forest Of Illusions Arc

Part Five Midnight “Why didn't it say that the Forest Of Illusions took lives?” she snapped the moment that Curogh walked in. He looked at her as if he was some-what gleefully surprised that she had figured it out. She could even see his overly large grin that made her feel uncomfortable. “Would any of you come if you knew?” he asked. “No! I would've done everything in my power to put an end to all of this!” He let out a soft and laid back sigh. “That I can see, but the gods of illusion and forests demand their sacrifice. That is the true purpose of the Forest Of Illusions. The only ones that do not become the sacrifice are the ones that are strong enough to live.” he explained almost as if he was giving them a lesson. “And you expect us to go along with this?” Endow snapped as his lip curled. “You have no choice. The moment that you signed on to take this course you were all placed under an enchantment so that you can not physically leave until you hav

The Witch Within The Forest Of Illusions Arc

Part Four Nightfall Loc found herself the first in class sitting alone, her mind was on Grasharlo, almost like it was drawn to her and her mind drifting to what she knew and what she did not know about her. What that was, was that somehow, Grasharlo, somehow became one of the worst witch, one that could nether be trusted to live or die, that she was part of her and that her sisters were also part of her, however because they woke they know more about her than she, who hadn't. When the others walked in and, again sat near her. “Hey Loc.” “You alright Endow?” “Yeah you?” “Didn't get that much sleep but yeah!” she said. She felt a pat on her shoulder. “Brooding?” “Just a bit, what about you Max?” “I don't brood. I just think.” he said as he sat next to her. “What about?” “Many things, mainly about the future and the past. I must admit that I am quite interested in the Dark Lord Age.” he said as Curogh walked in. He did not have anything with him