
Showing posts from November, 2017

The Blue Rock Enter The World Arc

 Final Part Going Home When I woke I felt something under my arm, as my eyes looked at it I spotted that it was the blue rock. Frowning slightly I sat up and slowly found myself on my feet. My mind was calm and clear like a pool of clear water in a forest without wind, and even-though I was cold I had no motivation to warm myself. My hand reached out and opened the door. As I passed through the door I could tell that there was something different in the atmosphere. I could not place my finger on it as I reached the end of the corridor and when I passed through that door, the room that was made of the blue rock seemed to now be normal rock. When I looked back that is when my mind put together the pieces, it had not become normal rock, they were always normal rock and somehow, this rock under my arm had changed them into the same material as it was! How very interesting! I thought as my legs moved up the spiral metal staircase and opened the door at the top

The Blue Rock Enter The World Arc

 Part Five Out Of The Rock I woke up in a soft bed that felt like being encased by fur and the roof of the bed and the pillows felt like they were not even there and my head felt like it was being suspended in a comfortable position. As my eyes rolled I could see that the quilt was made of a roil blue fur and the roil blue pillows were silk. Smiling I slid my hands beside me and sat up. My head and eyes turned drinking in the landscape of the room. The walls five walls were painted a shade of pail blue that it looked white. Each wall was split by ink blue pillars. What a beautiful room! I felt like I should not even be here nor should I be obscuring the perfection of the blue room. Slipping my legs out I slightly jumped looking at the delicate light cotton night gown with a silk under layer to hide my body. The sleeves puffed out and with a blue ribbon ended the oblong shame and my elbow with a fanned out cuff. As I left the comfort of the bed I stroked

The Blue Rock Enter The World Arc

 Part Four The Second Witch After I had explained everything Whittenni knelt down and wept as he bowed down to King Yaminox. “I-I am so sorry that t-t-this has happened to you Y-Your majesty.” he cried as his tears started to feed the grass underneath his cheeks. King Yaminox pressed his paw against his shin. “Whittenni Billin, Sir Whittenni Billin, the fault is mine, for if I had not sent you, knowing full well that you were far too inexperienced to see the mission through, then none of this would have ever happened.” he explained. “If there is anyone that is required to give an apology it is me. So, I am sorry for what that those witches did and I deserve every moment of what has happened to me.” “Hold on, you're a knight?” I asked. He looked at me and looked aside. “I was.” “But you still are.” said King Yaminox. “Well, speaking of which, we still have one more to kill.” Elishun muttered. Taking our cue we moved on looking

The Blue Rock Enter The World Arc

 Part Three New Friends I took a moment to explore this new world, at first my mouth was open with awe and wonder at how beautiful the place was. My mind was blown at just looking at it. I'm in another world! I really am in another world! I can not believe that I am in another world! These word s were on constant repeat in my head, just in different word and ways to say it. I was so awestruck that I could no longer feel my heart and the motions of my breath. This did not last, though, for I soon became lonely in this world. I had not seen a single person in this world, nor did I see a single building. I wanted to talk to someone and to hear about what this world was like and to see, what kind of people lived here. Maybe find out how I came to this world and then how to get back. Suddenly as if something had taken note I spotted a tall man walk up to me from the horizon. He had pointy ears that looked like the shape of a robin looking up without it