
Showing posts from August, 2017

Lasta Coop Pre-teen Stories

 Story Two Lasta Coop In Space A year past since Lasta Coop rescued the Easter Bunny and despite telling everything to everyone, not one person believed her not even her twin Latso. Although they did enjoy her telling them, and loved all the detail in her descriptions. They also liked to discuss them too, which confused her but what confused her more was the fact that they always asked her where she got her ideas from. Regardless of how many times she told them they continued asking that. Then a week after her sixth birthday party she was in the garden when she spotted a light surround her and with it came an odd heat. It was not a dangerous heat but a welcoming one, like when you are cold but this was summer so it was odd. She felt an odd sense of security as she felt the weight decrease from her feet and soon she was in the air. Travelling up into the sky until she felt herself dematerialise and with a flash she was gone! The next thing that Lasta saw wa

Lasta Coop Pre-teen Stories

 Story One Lasta Coop and the Easter Bunny The Ester Bunny was hiding his second egg, as to respect what Jesus Christ had done two years before, when he heard something behind him then everything went black LC It had been five years since Lasta Coop and Latso Coop had been adopted by Mrs and Mr Cooper. They were walking to school for the first time. Even-though they were five they were quite knowledgeable in things that sometimes surprised and shocked their adopted parents. Such as when Lasta had her bracelet stuck around her wrist she knew to use water to get it off. Then there was her odd ability to be able to read when she was only three and a half! What did she do when she could do this? She read basic fighting books then she would practice them later. “So, do you think that we'll learn anything today?” she asked her brother. “I can't say that I know, after all we were told that the children here don't even know how to read no

Lasta Coop Pre-teen Stories

Prologue Story Lasta Coop The Christmas Thief Ten years ago there was a woman that hated her descendants so much that she ensured that they paid with the families favourite thing; Christmas. Her name was Lasta Coop, she would crawl up from a her secret place under their house, which was like a complete house under theirs, and would take all the presents and Christmas food and take them all back to the many rooms where she lived. This all changed one night before Christmas eve. When she was in a deep sleep in the bottom room in her housing structure, where she slept upon a single mattress. In her dream she was walking in a grave yard. She noticed that the gravestones were in two rows and and in the middle as well trodden path marked only by blue stones. She was holding a bouquet of white roses and she was in a wedding dress. As she walked on she recognised the names on the gravestones as the people she had met and those who were her enemies. Soon her white roses tu

The Anti-Fairy Tales Mirror Of The White Demon Arc

 Final Part Mirror's Splinter In the king's study the King and Sythvin were discussing the future of the kingdom, well Sythvin was telling him what his master wanted to happen. It had been a month since Pheoshan had walked into the world of the White Demon's mirror. The snow storm signalled that that the end of the year was near, as well as his master's plan. Then the place shook as the mirror stared to pulsate like a healthy beating heart. They both knew that something was going on with the mirror. So they looked at the mirror with intrigue as the mirror, with every pulse, the mirror started to crack. As it continued to pulse the cracks became longer and deeper. Soon there was a deafening sound that came with every pulse like a low scream in an off pitch. Soon they had to cover their ears to prevent them from exploding. Then smash! The glass fell and from the splinters formed Pheoshan. Although it was not Pheoshan at the same time, for she held Yamizemort, th

The Anti-Fairy Tales Mirror Of The White Demon Arc

 Part Four Mirror's Castle Pheoshan wondered around for a while until she came across a large white crystal castle that was so white that it was blinding. It had seven towers one centre and the six lesser towers beside symmetrically. In the centre tower were two large doors that were as big as a house and on them was a thorny leafy pattern with two white roses at the top in full bloom, with another pair that extended to become the doorknobs. The wall between had many windows and slim majestic gargoyles that seemed nothing like their grotesque real world counter parts. It touched her heart with passion that she had never experienced before. Suddenly she became overwhelmed with her respect of the building that she suddenly almost forgotten why she was here. What is this feeling? I hope that it is not a girly side of me coming out! If so then I must find a way to be rid of it as soon as possible. Why? I mean I am a princess and a girl so why can't I have this side of