Lasta Coop Free From The Fay Part Five
The Bunny Help After spending a night in another inn they came to another well. She gripped her locket the entire time. She looked down at her face. She knew that it was her face. She knew that the boy next to her was her twin. Which told her that the story that she had told them carried some truth to it. Along with the story of her and her twin being born from an old lady and was adopted by her descendants too. “Lasta! Come on!” She nodded as she climbed in and the next moment she was stepping out into a forest. She looked around to see that it was light all around. She looked around to see that the leaves and grass were a healthy shade of green. She could even hear the singing of birds. If I’m gonna get any answers, I need to get back to Mistress Salynara. Which means that I need to find out how. So, as they waited by the well, The Tooth Fairy and The Watcher set up camp. She walked up to them and went to help. So this is what she did for the day. “Urm… Mistress Tooth Fai...