
Showing posts from October, 2023

The Sorrowful Rebel Fall Of The Rebel Part Eight

  A One Sided Fight It had been barely a week after Wolf Raven's declaration when Sword and Warrior, who were now married, saw the shops coming. She called her group to arks, but she soon heard the sound of gunfire. She, angrily, raced to the group. Only to see, to her shock, an army of Wolf Raven's soldiers firing at her group. She even saw that there were not just hundreds but thousands of them! She has barely been able to utter a single word as her group shot one after the other. Yet three shot one down. Then another shot one after the other until he was shot. Another shot one, two then he fell. Another shot two, then three then he was shot. Another shot two, three and after shooting another two he got shot. Another shot at two and then three and after three more hr fell. Another shot three, then two, then three, then was shot. After one row was taken out, another quickly replaced them. Then the rebels were shot. Yet they continued to fire at the soldiers taking one after th

The Sorrowful Rebel Fall Of The Rebel Part Seven

  A Nasty Shock Loc entered the cell that she had just been held in just a couple months ago. She massaged her chest as she remembered what he did. There she saw a television screen next to the gap. Then it suddenly turned on. "Hello, Sorrowful. If you are here then it confirms it. You are who I thought that you were." He then took a break. "Hold on, he knows who you are? How?" Asked First Son. "I was part of the previous rebellion. This is how I know him too." "Right." "Hold on, that must be how you found out!" "Yes." "Now tell me, did you really think that I would actually be here?" Suddenly, shock rippled throughout her body. "If so then, by far, you are far more foolish than I thought! Yet I have to commend you nevertheless for coming this far! Now it is my turn to act and I think that I will start here. Good luck at getting to shore this time!" The telly vision became black. Loc looked around. "W

The Sorrowful Rebel Fall Of The Rebel Part Six

  A Taken Stronghold  The moment that Loc opened the door they were met by a rain of bullets. She quickly backed away. One came out and she shot him. Then they saw more and more come out. She soon shot at all that g them that came out. Yet the ones that inner rows were all able to come out. The outer group of the rebels were able to take them out. She then looked in and spotted that more and more were coming. She shot at one after the other. Then shot at them the moment that they came in. She did this again and again and then ran in. She saw a group in front of her. They then went to fire at her but she ran out and dived to the doorway. She then fired at one after the other. Then she ran back in and the others followed. They all shot before the soldiers could do anything. They ran on and on. They shot soldier after soldier. Then one hit one of the rebels. She fell. Then the closest to the rebel woman to look down at her dead body. Rage entered his eyes and eclipsed his heart. He ran on

The Sorrowful Rebel Fall Of The Rebel Part Five

  Arrival  The moment their ship hit the docks the bullets fired at them. They all soon fired at the soldiers on the edge then they dived at the edge. One group fired at one each of the soldiers before quickly ducking behind the closest thing they could find before the next set of soldiers fired. They did this again and again. As they did they made sure that they did not take as many risks as they could afford. They continued on and fired at one after the other. As they progressed the sound of bullets became less and less. Then they ceased. They all looked at Loc. She gestured for them to stop. She slowly raised to her feet. She looked on and saw more coming. She quickly crouched. "Another round's coming!" "Right." She raised to their feet and shot at one then ducked. The next group rose up and shot at them and ducked. Loc's row sprang up and shot. They continued this again and again. As they did, the more that they took out, the more came. They continued th

The Sorrowful Rebel Fall Of The Rebel Part Four

  Journey To The  Water Base Loc looked at the list of names in front of her. She wondered which group of men she should take upon her return to the water base. The one that she escaped from all those weeks ago. She wished that Ringer was here, telling her who's best to take, but he was not. No, he was most likely dead. So she would have to make the decisions on her own. So she had to pick and pick fast. She then chose fifty of the list, not wanting to leave the place unguarded. She soon assembled them and walked to the Captain. "You sure about this?" First Son asked.  "Yes. There seems to be no other opportunity to take out the head." "But this is clearly a trap!" "I know, but I must take the risk!" "But why?"  "Simple, do you think that Wolf Raven would allow another opportunity to rise up? Also, it would look weak if we didn't go." "But it's you he wants. So why go?" "Simple. It's the best wa

The Sorrowful Rebel Fall Of The Rebel Part Three

  Wolf Raven's Decoration It had been less than a day since Loc had to send that group to Dawnfree when the telly vision sprung to life. She looked at it, confused and curious, wondering why it had done so. Only for her eyes to rest up on none other than Wolf Raven. This lit a fire of rage throughout her body and mind. She thought about her team and their dead bodies. Then she thought about the people that she met and those were killed before she set up her own rebellion. She felt her blood boil like a kettle. "Hello. I guess that you now know that I am both Wolf Raven and your Emperor. Yes, I have finally shown your face, after all these centuries. Yes, for centuries I have lived, for centuries, I have ruled over you all. All from the shadows and I have been proudly able to shape this world and I never had to show my face once!" He then took a moment. He kept quiet as he waited to give all that were watching time to let it all settle in. She felt a rush in her body as sh

The Sorrowful Rebel Fall Of The Rebel Part Two

  In Fighting In the base, the newly freed slaves looked at the rebels that had been disguised as the guards. Some remembered that during this time some had wiped them to retain their disguise some had to do worse. Yet even though it has been explained to them their scars were a thing that they could not ignore. They had to get their justice. They could not even think of the thought that they could work with that group. They just could not stand the idea of fighting alongside then.  Fit a couple of days they would work with them. Just to pretend that they were working well with them. That was alright and well but as the week wore on they could feel their contempt growing and growing by the day. This turned to hate and then it turned to rage. Soon they could not stand the sight of them. That this reached a boiling point. This all was let out when one of them punched the rebels. They looked up at them momentarily shocked. This made their lips curl as they pounced on them. They all punche

The Sorrowful Rebel Fall Of The Rebel Part One

  Freeing Of The Slaves It had been almost a month since Light Bringer's death. Loc knew that the first thing that she had to do was free all the slaves. So she started with the biggest slave encampment outside of the islands that she and her group conquered. The moment that she arrived she was able to sneak in and do so without raising any alarms. When she did this, she came with several guns. This way the moment that she was able to get those collars off she would not need to spend that much time on going to and fro to pick up a weapon each. She looked for those with an R, X or L around their necks. This told her that they were of her rebellion. This, she knew, would help her when it came time to act. She walked down the corridors and saw a group of slaves. At first she wondered if they were digging for firecrys but upon seeing that there was not a speck of it there. It became clear that they were all being forced to dig for digging's sake. There was nothing else to it. She t

Lasta Coop Forged By The Fay Final Part

  Weapon Lasta looked down. She stared at the floor of her cell. She was filled with sorrow and she felt completely lost. She could no longer trust her memories and she could no longer trust that she knew who she was. This had broken her in ways that she was far too young to comprehend.  She barely looked up as Salynara walked in. She barely reacted as she placed a hand on her back. Yet once she raised her hand to her head she covered it. "Don't!"  She smiled. "So you were able to figure that out, were you?" "Why? Why me?" "Have I not told you? You will know in time." "No. Now!" "Are we not being brave?" "Don't care." "Then I will make you care." She took her hand.  "What are you-" "Get to your feet." She was standing before she knew it. However she did not care that she had complete control over her body and mind. She just wanted to know why or, at least, come to the end of all