
Showing posts from May, 2022

Lasta Coop The Conspiracy Arc Part Two

  The Death Of One Lasta looked down, shocked at what happened. Even though she was with Otb and Salynara, she felt alone. She was isolated and scared. She looked at the dead bodies and how she helped cause them. She thought about the destruction of the Seelie Court and the prison ship. Yet it was all her fault and she had no other choice. She did not want her to hurt nor did she want to die. She was scared about what was about to happen next and when they would decide to kill her. She knew that it would come sooner rather than later, after all once she had become eighteen, age would be immortal. She felt the tears build as she knew that she would die alone and far from home. "T-tell me,  when it is time, could-please take me home?" She asked, trying to be as polite as she could, hoping that that would appease Salynara. "Whatever makes you think that there will be anything left to take home?" She looked at her shocked as chills ran down her spine. She looked down as

Lasta Coop The Conspiracy Arc Part One

  Back To Space They all arrived at the portal. The sky was black and the horizon had a line of smoke where the Seelie Court used to be. All that remained was the last of the fire burning. All of the good fairies were dead. None was left alive, Salynara made sure of that. She had gone around the entire kingdoms in the Seelie Court to make sure that none were alive. Lasta was forced to watch as she ensued to kill all of them. The only levaty the girl had was that the Tooth Fairy was not one of them. In fact she felt quite numb. She had become so numb that most of what was happening around her barely registered. In fact she only had emotion enough to fear. The only thing that made it worse was the fact that she was now bound to the person that was responsible, both for ensuring that she could not go home and cry to her mother and for the destruction of the whole place and Otb and there was not a thing that she could do about it. She longed for her mother's arms and to cry in them but

The Anti-Fairy Tales The Water Demon Arc Final Part

  Escape Demon Ocean She was dragged further and further down. She tried to move but she could not. Yet her mind was filled with fury. Fury at how she was being exploited. Fury at her humiliation. Fury at her own stupidity. Fury at what Ursmor had said. Fury at what she suggested what she would do to Livea. Fury at her helplessness. Fury at the stranger who had pushed her overboard. Fury at the fact that none of this was her fault. She wanted to kill her. She wanted to do this with all her being. She could feel the power of Wolfox rising and coursing within her. She could feel it moving through her like the blood in her vanes. She could feel it bearing within the breast of her heart. She felt what could be described as a strange dark joy rise within her. It flowed freely within her body.  While descending with Ursmor clutching her throat. She could not move as she did. Yet as they sank lower and lower she could move her fingers. She could move her fin. She could feel the presence of Ur

The Anti-Fairy Tales The Water Demon Arc Part Nine

  Taken Back Pheoshan was there all day, only leaving for lunch and dinner. The corpse of Mofa watched her as she read more and more about Ursmor. She pieced together that she wanted war. To her anger, she had deduced that she wanted to use her as a pawn to spark one. She was so engrossed in her work that she did not even notice that she was being watched by Mofa. She had been all day. " She seems to be a danger to my plan. Go, get her and bring her back to me, my puppet. " She waited all day as she followed the girl. She did not utter a word, yet she knew her moment came when she put her last book away. She wrote down one last thing. She yawned and then got up. She took out her paper and quill. She walked up to a librarian and wrote something down. Do you know where the loue is? "Yes,  it is located at the opposite end of the wall by the gatehouse." Thank you. She then ran to the liue. She soon relieved herself and felt lighter and better after doing so. She wipe