
Showing posts from January, 2022

Bounty Hunter Bash Sea Lock Final Part

  Kidnapped They walked for the test of the day as they all carried a treasure chest between two each,  Kai and Gurter carried one Bounty Hunter Bash and Chashathrophogh carried one and Gerald and Cerpheres carried one. By the time they arrived at the shoreline it was well into the night. Which meant that they had to spend the night on the island. Kai and Chashathrophogh were sent one way to collect firewood as Gurter and Bash were sent another. During their journey Gurter walled up to Bash. "You know you and your father?" "Uncle." "Your uncle, you're really good at this!" "Yeah,  well it is someone part of our jobs but mainly his." "And what are your jobs?" "Well I'm a bounty hunter and my uncle is apparently a quester." "Oh… So you're not that close?" She looked down as she thought about that question. "No. I guess not. Though I am learning to love him like I should. But it isn't normal.

Bounty Hunter Bash Sea Lock Part Eight

  Treasure "Hold on, you decoded the map? Just the two of you?" Captain Herlock exclaimed. "Yes, though it was Borevers did most of the work." "Which, even though I despise myself for having to admit it, Cerpheres did point me in the right direction." He said with gritted teeth. Cerpheres put his hand behind his head and pretended to be humble and shy. "It was nothing. Though it was fun watching you figure it out!" He sang. He then put his hand down and looked Captain Herlock in the eye. "Well, do you want to go?" He purred as he leaned against the frame of the door. "I know you want to!" The Captain looked disapprovingly at him. Then his eyes looked aside for a moment then to the map. There was a deep hunger in his haunting eyes. He then looked away and back to the map like the pendulum of a clock. This was when Gerald looked at Cerpheres and gave him a sly smile. He nodded and smiled widely as he turned to Captain Herlock.

Bounty Hunter Bash Sea Lock Part Seven

  Decoding The Map Bounty Hunter Bash and Chashathrophogh both were scribing away,  Bounty Hunter Bash was mopping up some vomit on the floor and just as she felt her stomach churn as she finished. Meanwhile Chashathrophogh had scrubbed the last table. They had agreed that Gerald should not entertain the passengers again. Yet even though they had both woken up late in the morning, they had quickly finished cooking the breakfast for the parameter and Gerald too and as soon as they found out that the whole dining Hall was covered in vomit, they charged on that right away. The moment that they had finished they went back on deck they collected Cerpheres and used their magic to help the other sailors fix the ship. They ended up helping fix the ship for the week. They were glad when they finally had a break. They took this moment to figure out what they were going to do once they arrived on the shore. However, regardless of what they planned,  there was one elephant in the room. Even though