
Showing posts from September, 2021

Bounty Hunter Bash Exile Lock Part Four

  The Chase They had barely been riding for a day when they soon saw the arrows rain down on them. She was struck by one in her upper shoulder just as she loaded one of hers. She then waited for the arrows to see where they were coming from and collected them in her quiver. She soon saw the archers. She quickly fired shot after shot at their bows which snapped the wood which hit their faces. She then willed their arrows into her quiver. She then loaded hers as they drew their swords. She then put her bow away and drew a sword. Yet so did Chashathrophogh and gripped the reins with his free hand. They then galloped forward and they then soon came close to their horse. They then swung their swords to them and the two were able to block them quickly. They blocked strike after strike at their horse. She then stroked the blades away and they both kicked their opponents away. This caused them to pull away yet Bounty Hunter Bash pushed the others away. She then looked down and willed a line of

Bounty Hunter Bash Exile Lock Part Three

  Leaving When they reached the bottom of the ladder after what seemed to be an hour climbing down, Bounty Hunter Bash turned to Chashathrophogh for guidance.  "Now where do we go?" She asked as he took a torch. "And is it wise to light that?" "Yes. After all, we are at least several miles below the prison but we ought to follow this tunnel. If I remember correctly, one of these passages leads to a cave that will lead us directly to the border. However I will warn you, it will not be easy, I heard that there are creatures down here." Which we will be able to take care of. She thought as he lit the torch. "Then?" She asked as she wanted to know his plan. "Then we do our best to hide until we are out of the kingdom. Though I can not promise that we will not have to fight." He admitted. She felt her throat tighten as she realised that he was right. How could it come down to this? Why has it come down to this? "Right, then I think tha

Bounty Hunter Bash Exile Lock Part Two

  Rescue Bounty Hunter Bash landed. She soon raced as fast as her weakened state would allow. She headed to the prison, knowing that she would have to find a way to get into it. Yet it suddenly occurred to her that she would need weapons so she changed course to the weaponry. She knew that she would have to get her bow and arrows before the alarm bells rang. She soon made it to the weaponry without anything getting in her way. She soon collected her bow and collected all the arrows in the room and multiple quivers. Yet even now she knew that she would have to do something about the weapons here, after all she knew that they would easily be used against both her and Chashathrophogh. Oh what the Demon Realm! Mother already sees me as a traitor, so I might as well play the part.  She willed a fire to rise. She then willed the fire to spread throughout and spread fast. Soon she opened her eyes and saw that the room was engulfed in flames. She also spotted Chashathrophoghs' weapons and

Bounty Hunter Bash Exile Lock Part One

  Prisoner Chashathrophogh thought about all that had happened. His mind was swarming as he wondered why all this was happening. Yet regardless of all the answers he came up with, he could not come to a satisfying answer.  He got to his feet and looked outside. He observed all that was happening down below. He saw all the people going to and fro from wherever they came to wherever they were going. He looked at all the animals. He saw all the dogs barking and the cats hissing at the dogs which caused an irritating noise. He then caught a glimpse of a horse taking a long dump. I need to get out of here. If I do not then both me and Bash will die. Wait, why do I care about her? Wait, when did I start caring about her?  He thought about all that he had been through with her. All the times that he helped her and she helped him. They had helped each other and if he had to admit it both had not only shown signs of caring for the other but also knowing one another like none ever could. He the

Strena Dog Days Final Part

  Slayer "So this is the slayers' guild. This will be our lodgings for the next year. Here you are to become, as far as I am aware, the youngest slayer." He said as they approached a small tavern building with exposed blackish purple timber and crimson paint coating the rest of the building.  She curled her lip as she nodded. He smiled as he recognised her more submissive behaviour. "Don't you wish to comment?" "No." "Good. Now once you take your first job and successfully complete it then you will become an official and qualified slayer." She nodded as he led her inside. She looked around a spacious room with pale lavender floorboards and lilac painted walls. She suddenly caught the scent of cinnamon and rose. She could see that there were plenty of chairs, however most of them were empty. Which, as it was in the middle of the day, hardly made sense. "Where-" "Dead probably. The slayer profession is one of the most deadl