The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Hospital Arc Part Two
Nurse The following day Menlida had felt off as she lay there. She had a sick feeling but the one thing that she had in her most deepest of thoughts, was how little she remembered of the day before yesterday. In fact it was nothing but a blur. The only thing that she could recall of any of it was the intense desire to get out the hospital as soon as she could. She could not place why she had such an irrational thought however she tried to put it away, it persisted in her mind like a song stuck in her head, and like a song stuck in her head, it would not go away. She wondered if there was a rational reason, but for the life of her she could not come up with one. So, she had no choice but to let it stay, as she could do nothing about it. Her injuries did not seem to be healing any faster,in fact she could feel that the ones done to her legs seemed to have become worse, and there were the new bandages that seemed to have been changed even-though she had no memory of them being c...