
Showing posts from May, 2020

The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Hospital Arc Part Two

Nurse The following day Menlida had felt off as she lay there. She had a sick feeling but the one thing that she had in her most deepest of thoughts, was how little she remembered of the day before yesterday. In fact it was nothing but a blur. The only thing that she could recall of any of it was the intense desire to get out the hospital as soon as she could. She could not place why she had such an irrational thought however she tried to put it away, it persisted in her mind like a song stuck in her head, and like a song stuck in her head, it would not go away. She wondered if there was a rational reason, but for the life of her she could not come up with one. So, she had no choice but to let it stay, as she could do nothing about it. Her injuries did not seem to be healing any faster,in fact she could feel that the ones done to her legs seemed to have become worse, and there were the new bandages that seemed to have been changed even-though she had no memory of them being c

The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Hospital Arc Part One

Doctor Melinda hand been in the hospital for a week and a half. Her wounds were healing, but she suspected that they were healing slightly slower than it should have been. Throughout that time she found it quite shocking, she found it strange that her eyes were kinder and softer than they were. She knew that Matilda was not the same girl as Victoria and Dorothy but it was difficult to see past when that same face with cruel eyes whipped her arms and legs that put her here, however her sweet personality helped make it easier. She had a good nights sleep every time, regardless of how many times Dante' came in to feed. He would always make sure that she was really alright and not just saying so just to make it easier for him before he took a bight. In fact he had a way with him that was always able to tell whether or not she was really alright. He would ask whether or not she was alright and he was able to tell if she was lying and never fed upon her when he knew that she was

The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Twins Arc Final Part

Single Dante' carefully placed her down as to not cause her any more pain. He walked over to the body that once was two separate people. He then took one of the empty dresses and clothed her. He then pressed his middle finger onto her wrists. “What're you doing/” she asked. “Working on a hunch.” He replied. “By the way, who do you think she is?” “Matilda Braudstone. Although after learning the truth she went by the name Matilda Len.” he explained. “Her father, her real father, who was he?” she asked. “And do you think that he's still alive?” Dante' went pale and tensed up and spaced out for a while shook his head as it he was shaking off something. Then he nodded his head. “He is, but I do not think that it should be a good idea to tell you. After all you have enough to nightmare about than having to know that.” he said. Melinda's eyes narrowed. “Why?” “Do yourself a favour. Just hope that you will never have to find out and never ask me

The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Twins Arc Part Four

Double Death Melinda woke up early the following morning feeling hungry as her heart sank when the memories of the day before came to her and she remembered where she was. She knew that she had to find a way out. She had to find her way home no matter what. I wonder if Jaden's worried about me? Did she call the police? Did they believe her? If so then will they rescue us? Her stiff neck turned to the woman next to her. She was sleeping lightly. She could see that her chest was slowly expanding and decreasing as she took each breath. She wanted to wake her up so that she would no longer be so lonely, but she came to the conclusion that that would be selfish of her. No let her dwell in her dreams. They would give her such bliss... However, it dawned upon her that unlike this woman, she would never have such bliss ever again. No, when she was supposed to go to dreamland she would be seeing though other people's eyes. Seeing whatever they were seeing. Experienc

The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Twins Arc Part Three

Double Curse Melinda woke up. Her head heart. She placed a hand to the back of her head. Her head was ringing. There was an intense high-pitched noise in her ear. She felt something warm on her fingers. She looked at it. Her eyes widened. She saw blood. Where am I? She wondered. She looked around her. She saw that she was surrounded by grey walls and ceiling and floor, both stone. There was a plain steel door at the far end. The room was quite big. She felt something cold around her wrists, ankles and neck. She looked down and spotted that there were steel cuffs around them. She looked at her ankles and spotted that they had them too. She raised her hand up and felt the cold cuff around her neck. She then looked down and she could see that there were chains attached to the cuffs. She followed them with her eyes. This led to the wall behind her and spotted that it was drilled into the wall. Her eyes slid to another side of her view. She saw another set of chains and

The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Twins Arc Part Two

Double Sight Melinda always found herself always with the twins even-though that was afraid of them. Even-though there was a pat of her that kept on telling her to flea and have nothing to do with them and do everything to get and keep away from them. She played together after she went to school they chased each-other as they played tag, they played catch the ball, hide and seek and sometimes she would play with the doll that Wendy gave her. Over the week her fear of them faded into like. She had never had as much fun with another child! In fact it felt to her that everything might not be as bad here as she first thought. With all that in mind she was terrified of taking her the ring off. She could never admit how scared she became when she sat the ring. She just could not get ether the nightmare and how the ring was on her finger out of her head. She just could not understand what had just happened nor how a ring that she had seen ended up on her finger. However she had the s

The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Twins Arc Part One

Double Gaze It had only been hardly a week after defeating the magician when she had noticed that the twins Dorothy and Victoria had been following her. She had noticed them after walking back from school they had tailed her for the entire time that she walked home. She then had even spotted that they even followed her to school and from school. It was strange but she just tried to ignore it after all she knew that she did not need another event that would lead her somewhere that she did not want to go to. Then after a week of noticing this she noticed that they walked up to her as she walked home. “Hello. My name is Victoria Matilda and this is my other side Dorothy Victoria.” she said as she extended her hand, her voice think with a posh and old British accent. “I hope that we can be good friends.” She looked at the hand and took it. She knew that the smart thing was no to fall into the trap as she knew that it would lead to her to places that she knew that she did not