The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Magician Arc Final Part
Magician's Fate Melinda's eyes and cheeks felt raw and vulnerable as she looked at the sleeping magician. For a moment she thought that she had killed him, or caused him to become brain dead. Part of her was afraid at this possibility, however there was another that liked the idea that he was dead. In fact this part of her told her that he deserved it. Not only that but it would serve him right if he was killed by a child as the biggest insult to his legacy of tyranny bloodshed. But what had she done to deserve to be the one to kill him? “It's alight, you didn't kill him. Here.” Morki said as he passed her a bar of her favourite dark chocolate. “Thanks.” she said sully and as she bit into it as she could taste it. The rose-like taste of Turkish delight! Her eyes widened as she let the perfume taste touch her tong beside the strong almost overpowering taste of the dark chocolate. She had always told those old classmates of hers and the teachers too, that...