
Showing posts from May, 2017

The Anti-Fairy Tales The Six Dream Hells Arc Part One

The First Hell       Pheoshan woke in a dark village looking up at the dark sky. Hold on! She thought. That is the sky? There seems to be no clouds in the sky. If that is so, then where's the stars? She wondered as she developed parallels to the sky and the void of space.       Her eyes slid down to the corners only to see the villagers walking to and fro with nothing but a grim and dead look on their indistinguishable faces that seemed to meld together in her head. Their eyes seemed to have died and given up on life or trying to escape a long time ago.       Feeling their depression spilling into her she looked back at the buildings behind. They were old, small and cramped. They were lit by candlelight and had a crooked look to them. The doors were the same brown and had stairs leading down to them. They looked like the kind of buildings found in old Christmas films only without the snow.       "Get off the road!" Shouted a man in a top hat in a heavy black suit a

The Man And The Heart

      Once there was a man, who did everything that he was told, regardless of the outcome. One day this man met a stranger. In his hand was a box and in it was a heart. He gave him the box with the heart in.       "Do not give this heart to anyone!" He told him and left.       A month went by without anything happening until the man who gave him the heart to look after came back.       "Give me my heart back please." He asked. The man gave him his heart back, glad to be rid if it. Even happier now that he and his heart was gone.       Then one week later the stranger came back at his door. It was raining outside so the obedient man took him in feeling quite confused as to why this stranger had returned. He had done what this man had asked of him so why on Earth was he back?       "Have you still got my heart?" He asked.       "No, you asked for it back. So why on planet Earth would I still have it?" He replied outraged.       "Tell

Breath Of Ice

      I always knew that my breath was abnormally cold even without a strong mint and ice cold water. It was that cold that I could not heat up anything and when it was a hot day I would cup my hands together and blow into them. When I blew on hot food it would turn colder than intended.       Whenever I had ice cream or any cold food I never got brain freeze either and had often wondered what it was like. I never got a cold or was effected by the colder temperatures. I could even go out on a snowy day with nothing but my birthday suit, not that I actualy did that, I do have dignity.       One day out of the blue, when I was fifteen in the heat of summer I was on a secluded aria on the beech, I started to cough. This was the first time that I ever did so it was frightening that I had little control of this as I felt something come from my throat and cut my cheek from the in side! Then I felt something sharp wedge itself in my hand in the flesh between the bones connecting my finger

Three Things

      Clara was a lonely farm girl who had no family. Her patents and brother had died long before she became an adult. She had no friends for she worked day in and day out, diligently on her farm. She longed for the touch of another human every time she tended to the animals and would occasionally cry herself to sleep.       One day, on her twenty fifth birthday, a man came to her village. He then approached her farm, Clara looked at him and was taken back by his rich flamboyant clothes. His face had such perfect features and angles that it messed with her mind. He was clean too, which amazed her for she had not seen such a cleanness to anyone in her life!       "Might you be farmer Clara Workload?" He asked.       "Yes!" She said startled then got hold of herself and remembered to curtsy. "I am she."       "Well I am to take you on to Heaven." He said.       "But I am not dead! I can't die for whatever will come if the animals in

Breath of Fire

      I was fourteen and on the cusp of puberty when it happened. It started on the night of my birthday when I woke up with incredibly hot breath, however I originally it was because the hot weather and the equally hot food and tea I drank for my birthday. Speaking of which I was always able to handle incredibly hot food and drinks, in fact I preferred piping hot meals.       The next day I woke up with a burning throat as I coughed and then I found that it was difficult to breath. Then the smoke alarm made me jump then I spotted that my room was somehow coated in smoke. I wandered what was going on, for I was not a smoker nor would I invest in such a lifestyle. I knew that I would have to go to the doctors sooner or later but I knew that no one would believe me, so I did what anyone would have done and kept my mouth shut.       When I went to school my teachers and friends spotted that the hand that I used to cover my mouth was burnt and asked about it. So to not look foolish in f

White Snow

      Once there was a girl, whose birth caused it to snow. So her patents, Bliss and Arrow Snow, named the girl White Snow. She had abnormal white hair and eyes that had never seen a sunrise, or the sun at all! This caused her to gain a deep longing to see it and feel the warmth on her ever icy flesh.       She was never told why or how she caused it to happen, nor was she told that she was the cause! Her patents protected her from such matters, even-though somehow, everybody else did. Their children started to pick this up and started to bully and antagonize her in many different ways and made her life as bleak as they could.       Then this all changed when a boy her age, Billy Crosby, who was at her the most threw a snowball at her. When she fell he then rolled her over and over again giving her no chance to get up. He rolled and rolled until she was trapped in the massive snowball. Then he started to roll the other way until her whole body was stuck and buried in the snowball.