The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town Alice, Alex And Malice Final Part
The Verdict The judge, June July, looked at Detective J Stevenson, read the report and looked at the girl in front of her. She put the girl, who was now Alice at the moment. "Tell me, do you know where you were between the hours of five am and pm?" "No sir." She squeaked. He played the tape of the killing of people. Upon seeing all the people being killed by Malice, Alice screamed. Her face dropped as her eyes teared up. "No. T-that can't be me! Why am I -why am I- why-" She fainted. June July was surprised that the poor girl could not handle what she had just seen. She did not wake until half an hour later, at twelve o'clock. "Where am I?" She snapped. She did not carry the same expression on her face. This expression was stern and almost hardened, like the typical look of a delinquent. "You are in court." "Why, some parents wanna sue?" "No, Alice!" "'Alex'! Why did you call me Alice?" ...