The Anti-Fairy Tales The Water Demon Arc Part Three
The Tail The frost thing she saw was the emerald colored tail. It was the exact tail that she had seen from a moment ago. Her eyes slid to the pale flesh that was at the hip. She then saw the fiery coloured hair slightly above. Her eyes meet the innocent looking blue eyes. She was beautiful and yet looked so innocent that it did not suit the long canines that came from the upper jaw. Is-is that a mermaid? She felt the lack of air get to her. She swam up as her lungs screamed out for air. Just as she reached the surface. She was hit by another wave and was back beneath the waves. She then swam back up and was hit by another wave. She could feel her head pounding as she swam back up and was able to gasp and fill her lungs with air before she was hit by another wave. She then felt a hand on hers. She looked down to see the mermaid with shells covering her breasts. She looked up at her. She then felt her guiding her down. She felt a strange tingling throughout her body. She tried to ...