
Showing posts from September, 2019

Princess Cari Publove Sky Arc Part One

The Floating Island Cari, Ryo, Scar and Oran all looked up after they all had rested up, knowing that it was time for their next part of their journey to begin. “So, how are we going to get up there?” asked Scar. “The unicorns.” Cari replied with certainty. Scar refrained from bursting out laughing. “They can fly Mythos Puros.” the Chronicler explained. “It's Scar” The Chronicler let out a soft sigh. “ Scar , I know that in your world it would seem to be a preposterous idea, but they really can fly, and they do it quite well. Even better that even the birds.”she explained. Scar raised her eye brow and nodded, not entirely convinced and shrugged slightly as they took their places and the harness grew on. “If you say-” The unicorns galloped and their hooves hit the thin air and they rose higher and higher and they continued to gallop on the thin air. Well, look at that...They really can fly. She thought with a pleasant surprise. They were in the

The Anti-Fairy Tales Cinder Umbrella Arc Part Six

Inferno Falls They both ran and ran as fast as they could. Their lungs cried out for air and their stitches begged them to stop, but they could not afford to listen to them. They could not afford to stop, for they knew what would happen if they did. Though they knew better that to think about it. They ran and ran even-though Pheoshan was within an inch of passing out. Their legs both felt like jelly, and were threatening to give way, until Pheoshan fell on her head. She tried to get up, but her eyelids became stubborn. Her body just wanted to lie there, doing nothing but resting. She tried to resist and get up but her muscles just could not move. She felt someone pick her up. Her eyes slid to Pyredoor who was smiling and her eyes closed before she could find out why. She had a dream of a woman with black hair and white eyes, she was thirteen by the looks of her, no, she was twelve. She was with another who was fifteen, just half a year older than her. She held a book in he

The Anti-Fairy Tales Cinder Umbrella Arc Part Five

The Demon Prince They came to a crystal dance floor. He put his hand on her hip and she rested her hand on his shoulder. Their opposite hands joined and then their eyes joined. “I must admit that I don't quite know how to-” “Just follow my lead.” She nodded as he slowly spun her around and then his hand gently pushed her. She looked down and followed his lead as they took their first step forward. He then pulled her in close. “Go to the beat of one, two, three, one, two, three.” he whispered into her ear. She nodded and got the beat in her head on repeat. They then took step after step, first slowly and then when she became confident and more comfortable they went slightly faster. He then broke off and she held his hands on her hips as he lifted her, keeping her reassured with his eyes. She then let go of his hands and then, with her heartbeat beating like a drum, she extended her arms out like a bird about to take flight. He then spun her around letting her see

The Anti-Fairy Tales Cinder Umbrella Arc Part Four

Glue Glass She soon arrived at the purple castle. She felt her heart racing like it was doing a marathon. She could not describe her confused emotions at the time. She was going to meet the prince, the prince that she only caught glimpses of. The prince that she had often wondered about. Sometimes with an odd obsession. She knew that she was excited but she could not help but feel, fear and anger. She just could not understand it but nor did she want to or either emotions. She just wanted to focus on the joy and excitement of setting foot in that castle. Seeing the prince. The prince... “ You should not trust the prince.” she heard Durn say in her head. She frowned. When did she say that? She wondered. Then her head suddenly started to pound like it was about to explode. She saw that other prince. She felt grief ache in her heart like an invisible blade had pierced her heart. Then she heard him say in a strong but gentle voice say, “Princess Pheoshan.” She flt herse

The Anti-Fairy Tales Cinder Umbrella Arc Part Three

The Demon God Mother Cinder and Durn were both dressed well, but Cinder was more on the plain side, she had a plain white silk dress with a plain back cape. She had old copper roses that had been worn far too much with several dents in. She had black silk shoes with several holes in. Durn was dressed in a blue dress with blue roses covering the top half and the bottom half was a long silk dress. She had blue silk shoes and a long laced cape held by silver lilly. Lieara wore the same but in pink but it looked new and better and her sister was in purple. Then came their mother. She was dressed in a silk green dress and a long black cape with a crimson spider lilly broach. She wore slippers that were crimson with scarlet jewels. She looked at Cinder and her lip curled but she soon forced a smile on her face. “Girls an Durn, you three go on ahead. Cinder will you come with me.” “W-” Not good to ask questions. Never mind.” “It's perfectly fine honey, that q