Princesses Cari The Left Pages Of Publove Arc Part Five
The Gang And The Tower Cari watched over the girls until they woke up. This gave her time to think over the past journeys, She remembered how almost all of the witches that they had faced seemed to be both interested in learning how this older double of hers was conceived or killing her. She looked over at Ryo, they seemed mildly interested in him, but it was almost as if he was only important to them because he was her half-brother. Why is that? After all I'm just one of many, so why me? She wondered. Soon Scar and Oran woke up and they were soon awake. “How long were we out? A couple of days.” “Are we there yet?” “No, we'll be heading off now.” she said with a slight laugh. They soon were off and in a tavern within the day. Oran and Scar were in one room and Ryo in one of his own, leaving her with the Chronicler. She lay there in the dark just thinking about what she had noticed like a coin as she did her eyes stared at the wooden ceiling, barely notici...