
Showing posts from July, 2019

Princesses Cari The Left Pages Of Publove Arc Part Five

The Gang And The Tower Cari watched over the girls until they woke up. This gave her time to think over the past journeys, She remembered how almost all of the witches that they had faced seemed to be both interested in learning how this older double of hers was conceived or killing her. She looked over at Ryo, they seemed mildly interested in him, but it was almost as if he was only important to them because he was her half-brother. Why is that? After all I'm just one of many, so why me? She wondered. Soon Scar and Oran woke up and they were soon awake. “How long were we out? A couple of days.” “Are we there yet?” “No, we'll be heading off now.” she said with a slight laugh. They soon were off and in a tavern within the day. Oran and Scar were in one room and Ryo in one of his own, leaving her with the Chronicler. She lay there in the dark just thinking about what she had noticed like a coin as she did her eyes stared at the wooden ceiling, barely notici

Princesses Cari The Left Pages Of Publove Arc Part Four

The Tower Witch They soon arrived on the third page. They knew that they were getting higher by the lilac sky beside them. The air was still breathable, which was because knew that this place was at an angle. Yet the gravity did not reflect this. In fact the only thing that tipped them off that the ground was at an angle was the other side as the upper level and the ground meeting. The Chronicler opened the map of the Page that they were on. They all had spotted that despite that the place was filled with homes and shops the place was awfully quiet. There weren't even any sounds of birds or bugs. They spotted that all of the people that were in their homes were all asleep. They looked at the Chronicler with questions in their eyes. She looked at the map and spotted that the tower was marked, however there was a note next to it. They walked back to her as they looked at it. “This tower is protected by a witch that keeps all those that live in the Kingdoms asleep. Swif

Princesses Cari The Left Pages Of Publove Arc Part Three

The Second Tower After two days they had finally arrived on the Second page in the kingdom Kazki where the second tower lay. As they arrived they had noticed several people look at them but in a blank way that seemed as if they did not recognise them or could process that they were even there! When they stopped the Chronicler flipped open the map as they all looked at it. “Looks like the next one's in a cave.” Cari noticed as the Chronicler became pale. “What is it?” “I can not go in there.” “What? Why?” Her face became lightly blue almost as if she was about to throw up. “I just can not. Please just don't make me explain. I just don't want to talk about it.” she said. Scar looked at her with an understanding that the others knew that they were too young to understand. “Something traumatic happened in that cave, didn't it?” She looked down and nodded. “Yes, that was back when I spoke a lot like you but after I closed a very dark chapter of m

Princesses Cari The Left Pages Of Publove Arc Part Two

The First Page And The First Tower When they arrived at the doc the first thing that they knew that they had to do was inform King Merath, the king of Stre'head of their presence. So they made their journey to the castle where they were greeted by the King himself! It was all too clear by his smile and welcoming demeanour that he, somehow knew that they were coming. “You knew that we were coming?” The Chronicler asked. “Yes my Queen.” “Don't call me that, I am Queen of nothing.” she said. “Well the Great Being told me to call you that and I know that there's a prepose for calling you 'Queen' and not by your other name.” he said. “He also told you to say that your past has been forgiven and you shall not have that guilt if you come to Him.” Her eyes raised slightly mockingly. “I know that it will be difficult to understand now, but you shall when you learn the dark truth about the gods that you all serve.” he said and turned immediately to Car

Princesses Cari The Left Pages Of Publove Arc Part One

Journey To Publvoe Cari, Ryo, Scar and Oran sat on the deack of Captain Black's ship with the wind making their hair dance in the air. They heard the seagulls calling in the distance and the calming sound of the sea as it moved with a splash when it his the ship. “Now, the next island we will be gong to it Publove. She explained. She was about to explain further but was interrupted by. “Ain' tha' tha' big island tha' looks like a book?” Captain Black shouted. The Chronicler nodded and smiled. “Wow you're crazy!” “Well, we will be working on the left, where Dark Master Lord Gajellidor built some dark towers that we all need to destroy, for they keep each page enslaved in many different ways.” She explained. “'Page'?” Scar repeated. “Yes Publove, because it looks like an open twelve page book. And each of the sections that look like a different page-” “Is called a page.” she said as she thought about it for a split second before she frow