
Showing posts from June, 2019

Eva And Withele' Mytholonia And Legendara Arc Final Part

Withele And The Witch Eva approached the mansion she stopped in front of the double doors that could have been opened by a giant. She raised her fist to knock but the doors opened before she even touched the door. Knowing that her mother wanted her to go this way she stepped in confident that there were no traps alone the way. She walked down what seemed to be an endless corridor that saw painted black and dark. At each end the endless sea of doors sat parallel to each other. It had a floor that was painted black. She knew that she did not want to know why. As she walked and walked down the corridor she started to lose track of time. She could have sworn that the corridor also had a spell on it like the one in that room. But by the look of the ground and the lack of seeing her back, she could quite easily tell that this was not the case. Then she spotted green light ahead of her. Finally! An end! She thought with a slight relief and she even let out a sigh. She walke

Eva And Withele' Mytholonia And Legendara Arc Part Six

The Satan Soul Eva came to a plane wooden door when she found herself deep into the cave. It was hardly anything special. Almost like those wooden wooden, single doors found randomly on buildings. It had a door knob like the plain chain on toilet. She noticed that it had no key hole ether. She looked at it wondering if the door had traps, but after quickly realising that her mother wanted her to go through, she was able to see that she was safe. She opened it and came to a room, lit by purple flames. It was almost empty apart from a glowing pink liquid in the centre of the room. Opposite her was another door identical to the one that she had came in through. Instinctively she walked over to that one and opened it. She walked into a room identical to the one that she had came in through. But unlike the one that she had came in through this one had boot prints on the floor, which was impossible for it suggested that some one had come in ahead of her, however she had not

Eva And Withele' Mytholonia And Legendara Arc Part Five

The Other Land Eva and Olf stet off to the other land, leaving Sara in the hands of Mr Whiskers. The journey to there was smooth but throughout it Eva's heart could not stop racing. Even-though she knew that her mother was evil, she could not help but be excited. She was finally going to meet her mother! She was finally going to know who her parents were! She knew that her mother would have made sure that the journey was uninterrupted to make sure that she got to the other island, Mytholonia's twin. “So, what's he name of this place?” asked Eva. “Legendara, I haven't been here for a long time, since-” she broke off but she knew what her grandmother was about to say. Since, her mother turned evil. “So, could you tell me more about Legendara?” “Well it's a lot like Mytholonia, in fact both islands look completely identical, but the only difference is that there's a legend behind the island, that there was a cave that harboured a great evil that

Eva And Withele' Mytholonia And Legendara Arc Part Four

Eva's Bloodline “So, let me get this strait.” said Sara her arms folded. “Your real name is Withele' and you really do have magic and all this time the the cat could talk?” “Pretty much! Wait what was that last one?” “The cat can talk.” “I just don't believe this!” “How hard is it to believe, especially after what you shot yesterday.” said a deep voice. Eva's eyes darted to Mr Whiskers. “So what the cat really can talk!” “Yes...” “Then why didn't you let me know?” “I don't like to talking, it brings far too much attention.” “Too true.” “Look deer, I can see that you have a lot to think and talk about so I'll leave you two for a moment and make you some tea.” “Too right, after all my plane crashed after trying to find out what happened to you and Kai and now that I've found you, I'm going to have to process the fact that magic exists and so to talking cats.” she exclaimed with a chuckle at the end out of the absu