
Showing posts from December, 2017

Bounty Hunter Bash The Two Out Of Wedlock Arc

 Final Part Bounty Hunter Bash And Princess Druw Bounty Hunter Bash had been working for a year and a half now, and she had captured more and more people who seemed to be untouchable, which led her to over hear a song by a man in the middle of the street about her. This made her feel slightly embarrassed but the tune did get stuck in her head until she found herself whistling it. The song was; Bounty Hunter Bash! She earns her cash, By Bashing those evil scum, And never leaves a gold crumb, She goes through town to town Doesn't matter she'll take you down! Bounty Hunter Bash! She makes evil dash, By making you know, By her bow and arrow, That you are not all powerful Then remind you you are mortal Bounty Hunter Bash! She makes a good slash, But knows how not to kill She will never leave her bill She will make those evil castles crash For she is the powerful Bounty Hunter Bash! This is what she would hear b

Bounty Hunter Bash The Two Out Of Wedlock Arc

 Part Three Bounty Hunter Bash       A year past and a bounty hunter with jet black hair was looking at a sheet of brown paper with her crimson eyes. She went by the name of Bounty Hunter Bash, nobody knew where she came from nor did they know anything about her other than her name was Bash, she had appeared on the scenes shortly after the Princess Druw disappeared and she used a roil bow. Over the past year she had rose in her fearsome reputation as a bounty hunter and seemed to know that bounty hunters do not kill right from the beginning, unlike most wannabe bounty hunters that kill the first time. As her eyes scanned the poster and looked at the reward; 200 emerald. Should last me for the next inn. She then looked up at the job; Rumplestien. Sounds like a show off. She then looked at the description; Rumplestien, is a dangerous individual who has dangerous and high connections, like Chashathrophogh, Egboul Saltonmore and (rumours have it) the Dark Master Lord. Ba

Bounty Hunter Bash The Two Out Of Wedlock Arc

Part Two Princess Druw Twenty years passed and a young princess the age of thirteen was looking at her bow made of scarlet dragon scales, with string made from the coal coloured hair of a siren. She looked at her quiver made of the interwoven tail and mane of a silver unicorn, with arrows made of oak. She took it up and tucked her long black locks behind her pail ear as she slung it on. She skipped down the hallway whistling her favourite tune as her long green dress hitting the top of her feet. “Princess Druw! (Prononced dr oo v) Careful!” exclaimed Kenra, her nanny. Princess Druw just shrugged passively as she skipped by her. She then flew onto the bannister and slid down it laughing all the way down it. Then when she was at the archery field she took out her arrows and fired them repeatedly one after the other and she was laughing all the way through the whole thing. She even hit the moving ones and the ones that were too far away that even the k

Bounty Hunter Bash The Two Out Of Wedlock Arc

Part One The Prologue Chashathrophogh      Beforebow (Pronounced Beforl Bov) was a kingdom higher than the rest in their land. The people had the best clothes and even the lowest peasant had gold in their house hold. The land had rich green hills and trees grew taller than the tallest in ours. The houses, the cobbled roads and the pavements were very well polished by the shoes and feet of the people and those just passing by. The air smelt of roses and sweet smelling flowers and plants. The horses were always clean and their coat shone like they were made of metal.      The castle there was the size of a small village and as high as a small mountain. It's towers were high enough to see the sea, which was like a line on the horizon as well as all of the other kingdoms in that land, depending on where you were. It's gates were the size of a tall hose and on display were the stain glass windows showing all of the kings and queens that had ruled there over the course o