
Showing posts from January, 2020

Bounty Hunter Bash Quest Lock Final Part

So Close And Yet So Far The first thing that they noticed as they walked into the room was the bed right in the centre. It had a dark blue-grey silk betting and as they approached they could see the crimson ivy pattern on the sheets where Ravenymo was sleeping. Bounty Hunter Bash Drew drew her bow and Chashathrrophogh drew his sword and was about to strike when his eyes flicked open and they flew back to opposite sides of the room. They got up and ran at him but when they reached him he raised his hand. Suddenly they stopped and found that they could no longer move. “I see that the pare of you have made it this far safe and sound.” his eyes rested on Bounty Hunter Bash Drew. He gave her a false sympathetic smile. “Sorry, no. I am guessing that would not be quite right.” He slipped out of bed and his feet touched the stone without a sound. He did not even look cold even though it was a cold night. In fact, his breath was hardly visible even-though it should be a small

Bounty Hunter Bash Quest Lock Part Eight

The Castle It was darkening when they arrived. Soon they knew would be free from each-other. All they need to do was get to the castle. She had thought about what he had said. It made sense but the question was why? Why is this even happening? What was the point of it all? Were they that much of a threat? Or was it something else? “Drew!” Chashathrophogh snapped to snap her out of her thoughts as they approached the castle. It hand a set of double doors at the front with the walls going back diagonally like an arrow. With the ends hidden by trees. She could see a single tower to the left. Bounty Hunter Bash Drew secured Sedash and followed her uncle to the double doors. The double doors opened as they approached. Then the torches spontaneously combusted into green flames. “You ready.” “Yeah you!” He smiled and he nodded as they walked in side by side. As they passed through the doors their eyes met a riddle written in blood. I look like one In the sight of

Bounty Hunter Bash Quest Lock Part Seven

The Werewolf Bounty Hunter Bash Drew looked at her uncle as he slept. Thinking about the events that had passed, knowing that they has greater consequences, which something told her, that these consequences went beyond the pair of them. My uncle just saved me again. Why? What angered him when that vampire was about to bite into me? What did he comfort me fore after I-I-I killed him. I'm a killer now. How can I even face mother and father now? Especially with him attached to me. Will I ever see them again? No, probably not. I don't even think that I'll even meat my sibling growing in mother's womb. No I don't think that I'll ever see them again. She felt lonely and isolated as she looked up at the moon in the sky. It would be a full moon the next night. She had always been aware of such things. She felt herself getting tired and sleepy. Even-though she knew that she was getting close and should not stop, she also knew that, if she was tired, then

Bounty Hunter Bash Quest Lock Part Six

The Vampire Chashathrophogh was growing concerned about his niece. She had not spoken a word since she had killed that warlock. He wanted to say something to her, but he just did not know what o say. Sure he had started the was that she had just did, but he was too busy killing royals born out of wedlock to even remotely pay any attention to his shock or trauma. Then when the time did come he had already had his hands drenched in blood. Hold on, why do I even care? After all, I did say that blood didn't matter. So why, oh why am I even remotely concerned for her well-being? He thought He just could not understand this development. He would have dwelt further on this sudden and alarming shift of personality further if he had not heard something behind him land with an ever so slight bounce throughout the carriage. He looked back thinking that his niece had finally stirred from her shock only for his eyes to rest on a striking young-looking man with long black hair a

Bounty Hunter Bash Quest Lock Part Five

The Warlock They made a great distance than the day before If they kept this up then they would arrive at their destination within a week. Provided that there were hardly any interruption along the way. They were just another day's away from a inn when they the sound of of an old man scream. She heard the sound of the uneven pitter patter of a slow old man with a limp. “Help!” he called. “They soon saw him. He was dressed in black and white robes. Clutching most of it in one hand as he ran. Swinging the other like a pendulum in order to run faster. “Help! Help!” he cried as he ran over to Chashathrophogh and clutched his bony fingers. “Please young man. You have to help me!” he begged. “And why would I do that?” he asked coldly. “Because they're coming! By Sadesh! Why would the Hunger Highwaymen target me?” Hunger Highwaymen? Now they could rack in some big prices! Bounty Hunter Bash Drew thought with her eyes flashed. “We will.” she said. Chashat

Bounty Hunter Bash Quest Lock Part Four

The Witch They hardly spoke as they walked, already missing their carriage and the horses. So, by the time it was time to sit down to have tea, their feet throbbed so much that it felt like there were hearts in them. If their feet could talk they would be swearing at them. They, soon after that, went strait to sleep. Bounty Hunter Bash Drew woke up again from a nightmare that she could hardly remember. She looked over at Chashathrophogh. She somehow, knew that whatever her dream was about, had involved him somehow. The following day they cane to a small stable with a farmer out attending his crop in the fields. He looked over at them and squinted his eyes. “What do you want?” he asked. “Well, I want to buy a horse and a basic carriage.” she told him “Why should I?” he asked. She showed him some of her money that she had earned as a bounty hunter. He looked at this impressed. He then looked t her with a hungry look on his face. “How much?” she asked. He picked u

Bounty Hunter Bash Quest Lock Part Three

The Assassin As they road on they both spotted a shadow in the trees. Their eyes let the other know that the other had noticed. This told then that neither that they would need to tell the other. Bounty Hunter Bash Drew and Chashathrophogh were very appreciative of the bounty hunter, regardless of how bad and investment he was. Although Chashathrophogh had surprised her after dropping him off as he bound up her wounds. Even more surprising was just how gentle he had been about it. This made bounty Hunter Bash Drew doubt, for a foolish moment, that maybe her uncle had a good side. However she had to remind herself who she was talking about. She also had to give herself even more incentive not to give into her doubt by reminding herself exactly how they met. And what he would have done to her if hey were not in the situation that they were in. Meanwhile he too was doubting that when this was all over that he would have it in him to kill him. Would she have it in him to c

Bounty Hunter Bash Quest Lock Part Two

The Bounty Hunter For a while the two of them walked in complete silence. Not because they did not wish to talk to one another, but because they had nothing to say. Neither of them saw the point of banter for banters' sake. They did not see any point in getting to know the other, nor setting up a connection either. After all, Chashathrophogh wanted to kill Bounty Hunter Bash Drew, and Bounty Hunter Bash Drew wanted to collect her bounty. So what was the point, even if they were family. They did look at each-other, sometimes wishing to ask the other things about the family member that connected them. For Cashathrophogh it was whether or not his sister made a good queen and if she married a good man. He could not deny that he was curious. For Bounty Hunter Bash Drew it was wanting to know what her mother was like as a child. She had often wondered which parent she took after at her age. (Although she was realising that it was neither.) She wanted to know about her

Bounty Hunter Bash Quest Lock Part One

The Beginnings Of A Quest Bounty Hunter Bash Drew and Chashathrophogh were looking at many maps in his house, wondering where Ravenymo would most likely be. They looked at all the maps in the house and they still came to a blank. Truth was they hardly knew anything about him, so, this made it just as hard for them to find him. As the day wore on, she found it odd to see him like this. She could even see that the faces that he pulled and the though way that he scanned each map, reminded him of herself. In fact over the day she had noticed that there were many things that did this. She was about to speak after all, she knew that they were both hungry, and like her he pointed at her to be quiet. So she did. Is this how he does it? Is this how he finds people like me and him? If so, then it is no wonder that he was able to find me! She concluded as he huffed out of frustration. “I can't seem to find him. Why can't I seem to find him?” he snapped. “Tell me, how do