
Showing posts from February, 2019

Princess Cari Prelude Arc Part Four

The Chronicler's Tale “More than you know Mythos Puros.” said a deep woman's voice behind them. She was tall with pale skin but it looked as if it was once darker and her wide burgundy and brown eyes looked tired and older than the rest of her appearance and looked as if they had carried such ancient experience that told them all that she must have lived for hundreds, if not thousands of years. With a scar in the shape of an F under the right eye, which proved it for Cari and Ryo, who instantly recognised it as an assassin's mark five hundred years ago. Her lips were small and thin and lilac. Her face was thin and her cheekbones were neither high or low. She wore a long black robe with a crimson rim where the robe ended on the ground which ended in a point and her long sleeves must have covered a moderately muscular and scarred arms with another crimson rim. The gap for the neck also followed in this very same fashion. She had a black leather woven plated be

Princess Cari Prelude Arc Part Three

Hikari's Journey It had been three weeks since Cari left, then the new prince of Mortmor which was blamed on the kingdom of Fieheart. This quickly irrupted into a war throughout the kingdoms of the Kingdom Isles. It was so bad that even the pacifistic Mie'mory could no longer sit on the sidelines and joined the war. Bodies and cannon balls flew and walls broke. Everybody fell into both depression and a constant state of fear. King Alexander knew that he had to do something that would put an end to the war, and whatever it was, he had to do it quickly. He also knew that the only one who had the ability to end this war he had exiled. He also knew that she would be the best person to have on the battlefield, but he just did not want to put her in harms way, not after the whole kingdom had forced his and her hand to bring back Hikari. Then there was Hikari herself, she had to get to safety and fast. He knew that she could not remain in Fireheart much longer for he knew

Princess Cari Prelude Arc Part Two

The Choice Of Ryo Kizeru Ryo knew that he was living on borrowed time. He knew that he was living on borrowed time ever since he found out that he had unwittingly told his half sister the truth. He could also guess that his father and step-mother had deduced that he had the moment that he arrived. He knew by the cold reception that he had the moment he set foot in his castle. His father never smiled at him like he usually did nor did he even touch him. His step-mother, who he could tell was heavily pregnant, looked at him smiling her salty twisted smile, but unlike all of the other times, her smile had victory in it. They had not spoken to him in a week and a half and knew why. He knew that the say would soon come when his fathers men would come in with their weapons hoping to kill him. He had hoped vainly that he could rely on his father's love to keep him from the traitors death. However his dragon instinct had told him not to and that was why every time he went to