
Showing posts from January, 2019

Princess Cari Prelude Arc Part One

Cari's Hunt It had been three months since Cari set off for the neighbouring isles, Queendom Isles. From the moment that she set foot on the first island which was the queendom known as Emerald that it was nothing like the Kingdom Isles. The whole place looked fancy with highly decorated houses and vividly beautiful gardens. The women wore fancy dresses that brushed through the gemstone walkways and the men wore highly flamboyant suits. This made it difficult for her to distinguish the difference between the classes. Cari noticed that she stuck out like a saw thumb with her plain black leather shirt and trousers and robe. Even more with her cross-bow sat on her hip and all the things that she needed either in the leather rucksack on her back or on the other hip. She had a lot of time to think about what she wanted to do for to earn her food on the table and she had decided that after meeting Kir, she had decided to become a bounty hunter, just to see if she liked it. Sh

The Anti-Fairy Tales The Ice Of The White Demon Arc Part Five

Melting Of The Ice Now that the White Demon was dead heat came back into Coalphyre and Phyredoor's body. They were about to rest for a moment and think about what happened but then a piece of the roof came crashing down. They then felt the whole castle shake and knew exactly what that meant. So they took up the unconscious Pheoshan and ran to where the exit was and kicked the ice. It crashed down with such ease that it was unnerving. They slid down the melting staircase and then came to the room that led down. They again kicked down the door and ran to the staircase and again slid down the melting bannister and soon the ice cracked and smashed under their weight. Their back side hit the stairs hard, but they had no time to attend to them so they had to run down the stairs. Then Phyredoor slipped and hit her younger brother causing him to fall. He then twisted and wrapped his body around them so that only his back would get hurt. He was suddenly glad that he was wearin

The Anti-Fairy Tales The Ice Of The White Demon Arc Part Four

The White Demon The first thing that Pheoshan spotted was her friends, the second was the ice chains around their wrists and ankles. She then could see that they were pale with snow flakes in their hair, brows and lashes. Their eyes were unfocused but open and it was all too clear by the water vapour steam, they were alive. They must have a bit of ice in their system just like me. She noticed by looking at how thin the cloud was. Their unfocused eyes slowly moved to her. “N-no!” shouted Coalphyre weakly. “Y-you sh-shouldn't b-be here!” “C-Coalphyre's r-r-right!” shouted Phyredoor who's voice was just as weak, if not more. “Y-you h-have to g-get out o-of here!” “No, I mean how the Hell am I supposed to do that? After all it's all too clear that I don't know this place and I also don't know where you are trying to take me. But you do.” she snapped. She took out her sward and swung it to their chains and they broke. They then turned to the door t

The Anti-Fairy Tales The Ice Of The White Demon Arc Part Three

Frost Of Heart Pheoshan felt cold, like she had taken a light nap. She knew that this cold feeling in her chest was bad but she could not place why. It must have something to do with that blade. She deduced. “You're quite right!” came the White Demon's voice. “What do you mean by that?” she asked. “It does have something to do with the blade.” “What-” that was when she realised what was going on. Somehow the White demon was reading her mind. If that's the case then how and when did this happen? “The moment that blade pierced your heart. It left a small ice crystal in your heart which is only going to grow and nothing, not even true love will stop it and here's the thing, the more that your heart beat increases the faster it will spread.” she explained. “And at the rate that it's spreading...Well it's safe to say that you will be dead within a day.” Pheoshan wished that she could punch her at that moment but she forced herself to keep c