
Showing posts from October, 2018

The Witch Within The Forest Of Illusions Arc

Part Four Nightfall Loc found herself the first in class sitting alone, her mind was on Grasharlo, almost like it was drawn to her and her mind drifting to what she knew and what she did not know about her. What that was, was that somehow, Grasharlo, somehow became one of the worst witch, one that could nether be trusted to live or die, that she was part of her and that her sisters were also part of her, however because they woke they know more about her than she, who hadn't. When the others walked in and, again sat near her. “Hey Loc.” “You alright Endow?” “Yeah you?” “Didn't get that much sleep but yeah!” she said. She felt a pat on her shoulder. “Brooding?” “Just a bit, what about you Max?” “I don't brood. I just think.” he said as he sat next to her. “What about?” “Many things, mainly about the future and the past. I must admit that I am quite interested in the Dark Lord Age.” he said as Curogh walked in. He did not have anything with him

The Witch Within The Forest Of Illusions Arc

Part Three An Illusion of Books Loc had decided to branch out to talk to the others, other than Max, but this was unsuccessful. None responded whenever she would try to start a conversation with anyone. She tried to sit near others but they moved to another table. The only one that seemed to want to talk to her was Max and that was what they did. They spoke of many things before they walked into the classroom. They took their seats and Max looked at the others and waved to them. “Yo! Come on over here!” he called. They all looked at him and her with a glimpse of fear. Loc understood. They saw the witch and not her. Her eyes slid away knowing that she should have expected as much, but to her surprise they did sit near her. Probably out of the fear of her bringing harm to then or their family if they did not. “I..” No, nothing that I can say will comfort them or not make things worse. So with that she had decided just to focus on the lesson at hand. Curogh walked

The Witch Within The Forest Of Illusions Arc

Part Two Illusions Of Animals After the first time she had been in the Forest Of Illusions Loc felt more confident about the next time as she sat there in her classroom. The next time was about discerning the difference between true and illusion made animals and creatures. “Yo, Loc, someone sitting there?” asked Max. She shook her head and he sat down next to her. “Good.” “I didn't say that you sit there.” “Didn't ask, plus nobody should sit alone.” They heard the sound of many meows coming from the door. Then it banged open and they saw several metal boxes with holes in them on a metal trolley. Then came two hands that belonged to Curogh. He then pulled out two cats and placed them down on the table in front of each student. They looked at them and Loc stroked them, but then the one on the left grew long fang and scaly skin and jumped at her. She felt a scratch on her face. “Loc! Don't believe it exists!” Max shouted as he reached out but his hands w

The Witch Within The Forest Of Illusions Arc

Part One Illusions Of Food Loc was in her aircraft, which was the shape of a rectangular box which was powered by magical crystals that allowed it to lift and move. She was in a well lit room where the door was, which had its own bedrooms and bathrooms with baths included. It seemed very posh to her and she could not believe that she was in such a structure. She looked out and saw an ocean of trees with a long, black, thin triangular based pyramid stuck out over the trees like a sward. This, she knew was where she would be staying for the next month. This would be where she would learn how to decipher the difference between what is real and what is but an illusion. The moment that she landed she walked out she could see fifteen others looking at her with both horror and anger. Then there was one boy with a good crop of dark brunette hair and crystal grey eyes with skin just as pail as hers who just looked at her and gave her a smile. He then waved at her cheerily to th

Weather Incarnates The Villages Gods

Final Part Epilogue Picking Up The Pieces When they landed they were greeted by a cheering crowd. Snow's father rushed up to her and wrapped his arms around her tightly almost as if he was afraid to let her go. He laid a kiss on her forehead as his tears fell freely. Storm called her grandmother to tell her that it was safe for her and Johanna to come. Sunny was beside her, her elbow on her shoulder and gave a thumbs up and a wink. She just gave her aunt evils and shook her head. This was returned with a false sorrowful look, which she ignored. Rain and Black Rain looked down at their twin with tears streaking their cheeks. “What was her name?” he asked. “Sky.” she replied with a small smile. “Mine's Sora, Black Snow's Yuki, Black Storm's Light, Black Tornado's Denis and Black Bow was Jaden.” She wiped her tears away. Tornado and Weather looked around feeling slightly lost. “So...What should we do now?” “I dunno...I mean we don't have