Weather Incarnates The Villages Gods
Part Five Fall Of The False The first thing that they noticed after each had passed through the door was that they were, somehow alone. They looked around to look for the others to see that they were not there. Somehow they were in different rooms it was only then did they realise that the door had teleported them into different arias. After that they all knew that they had hoped that by separating made them make them easy to pick off, a plot that only Weather could appreciate as she walked down a long dark corridor. Storm was on edge, she did not know how or why but they had been separated somehow. She looked around and could see that wherever she was, it was a long dark corridor that she knew, somehow, that there was a Weatherless in there with her. She hardly knew what was going on but she knew that she could not let down her guard down for one second. Rain looked around feeling scared and naked without his twin next him, however he knew that he would have to ...