
Showing posts from August, 2018

Weather Incarnates The Villages Gods

Part Three Saving With Help “Yes...We are...” Weather replied with caution in her voice. “Good!” he released a long sigh of relief as his weapon dropped. “Then come with us.” He extended his hand. Weather pushed passed him daring not to take hold of it. In the hallway she was greeted by more man and women in the same outfit as the other two. They were surrounded by dead bodies of more guards. Her eyes rose back up and looked around her. “Who are you?” she asked turning back the the others behind her. They walked passed her and all lowered their hoods. “The resistance.” He ushered the group of Weather Incarnates and the new Weather Incarnates into the centre of their group. “Now we've got to get out of here as soon as possible, your grey storm can only hold the Weatherless back for so long.” “So, when did you form?” Storm asked not budging an inch. “Shortly after Dr Winters was captured. See he saved all of our lives many times and he was good at his job. His

Weather Incarnates The Villages Gods

Part Two Into The Village The Weather Incarnates all stood together miles from the village but close enough to gaze at it. Weather was quickly able to figure out that using the tunnel that Snow escaped from would be useless for they would have found it and would have it guarded at all times, just in the off chance that they would be dumb enough to use it. With this in mind, she knew that they would have to find another way in, but never truly ruled it out. This was how she came up with the plan to get them all in but she knew she would have no other option but to use the tunnel. This also led her to decide that the best way that they would be able to use the tunnel was if the village were in the frame of mind to make mistakes. Snow looked at the village that she had grown up in. She had often wondered what it would have been like to live amongst the people and to have friends there. She also wondered at what age she would have started to become indoctrinated into thinkin

Weather Incarnates The Villages Gods

Part One Gray Weather It had been a year and a half since the incident of Snow being discovered and her father had been taken prisoner by their gods, the Weatherless. Half a year ago the gods had sent the Black Weather Incarnates, made from the DNA of the Weather Incarnates, however there was a rumour that they did not have all of theirs and that there were two or even three unaccounted for. There were also rumours that the Black Weather Incarnates had killed all their friends and family, well all but their mother, under the command of their gods, even-though they were told that they killed them because of how evil the blood of the Weather Incarnates were had corrupted them, and the fact that they had not heard from ether gave rise to even more rumours... However despite or in spite of this the village was peaceful, on the surface, then one of them screamed. He was a man in all green and a cotton flat cap on his head and he was pointing up to the sky. Another looked at wher