
Showing posts from July, 2017

The Anti-Fairy Tales Mirror Of The White Demon Arc

 Part Three Mirror's Ice At first she was confused as to why she had been greeted by this, until she spotted the glass pickaxe resting on the mirror where the mirror labyrinth ended. Then she got an idea of what she had to do. Huffing out of anger she wrapped her hand around the neck she almost jumped. This is not glass, it's ice! Her lip curled knowing that it was getting more and more twisted by the millisecond as she realised what this was all about. The dread sank in as her eyes spotted the other two pickaxes beside her, this was the only way forward and she knew going back would not be good for her father. She felt the fire in her eyes as she took her first swing. She looked down at the pickaxe as her heart sank. There were already cracks in the head where she struck. Out of anger she hit the ice again and again until she had made a good hole. Still she was far from the other side as she felt her hands begin to grow increasingly numb. Then as she hammered she

The Anti-Fairy Tales Mirror Of The White Demon Arc

 Part Two Mirror's Labyrinth The first thing Pheoshan spotted was her reflection looking back at her she looked to her left only to see the same and was able to see her right reflected so she knew that she did not have to look. She spotted that as she met her reflection ahead of her as she looked again her reflection on her left had suddenly realised what she was in with an angering feeling sinking in. Then let her annoyance be displayed in a huff. She was about to punch her reflection ahead of her but decided against it. No, that would do me no good at the moment and this is magic! It could land me in even worse trouble than I already am so I must keep up my guard no matter what. She thought as she turned right. She then met with the reflection in front of her then right again. She then turned right again only to meet a dead end. Huffing she went twisted around and retrace her steps only to meet a wall of mirror. “Alex Fistone!” she heard her own voice say however sh

The Anti-Fairy Tales Mirror Of The White Demon Arc

Part One The White Demon's Mirror Princess Pheoshan woke, it was now the last month in the year and snow fell heavily like on her fathers' kingdom coating it like white icing sugar. It made her smile as she tasted a sour taste of nostalgia for her old life as Alex Fistone. How she used to have snow ball fights with them, knowing what she did about Wolfox she knew that they were dead when he had destroyed the Dream Hell that she grew up in. It may have been a hard pill to swallow but as she looked over the list of the prisoners of the Dream Hells only they were missing. She still found it strange, that she had slept all that time without any knowledge of her Princess stats and despising the thought of the stereotypes that world concocted. Now that she knew she found that she was still feeling a sting of resentment but she had quickly found that she could be and was her own princess. She could still have fights and not get pampered whenever she did not want it and was

The Magical Library

Shortly after magic was declared gone, those against it tried to destroy books and artefacts connected to its existence. However when they came to each artefact and they tried to throw each object into the fire they remained untouched by the flames, even the books! In fact only objects that were for healing and other good purposes were burnt and was lost to the flames. So they stored and hid them all from view, however when they had come up with a decision on trying to destroy them something mysterious happened; they all had disappeared from their hiding place! They would have investigated further had they not had even more magical placed and artefacts to hunt down and try to destroy. Then when they had found these places they burned them and destroyed them but their artefacts also remained intact. So they kept them as their spoils, however when they came back with even more spoils they were gone! They then blamed that the reason was because the artefacts were ench

The Sacrifice Of Magic

One night at the end of magic in the dark ages, ninety nine of the magical community all gathered one night all around the world. They all knew that as long as they had their magic they had no hope to be accepted by anyone. So, the elders of each walk of magic gathered all of their students and others of their magical community to propose something that would bring an end to all of this one way or another. “ We propose that we abandon magic and become normal.” they said to each of their own. “ What? No!” said one in all. The elders of them all raised their hand to silence them. “ Please, bare with. I know what I am proposing is next to blasphemy is to the Church however, I must also point it out that magic was not for us humans to have and thus we, rightfully should not even have it! It was given to us by the black cat Magyk the mother of all cats on Earth. So why ever should we continue to have it?” they all reminded them. “ Because it is out birthri

The Original Five

     Once, long ago when the pyramids were nothing but in their foundations five, close friends were walking in the road on their way home from their work on the first of the three pyramids that would be built. They did not quite understand everything but they knew one thing, the pyramid that they were trying to build was somehow wrong. For every time the Pharaoh came around they would find the one who provided the blueprints would be found dead the following day. “Herohine, tell me, is it me or does the Pharaoh seem more stressed these days than usual?”One of them questioned. Herohine stroked her back trying not to focus too much on the pain that the day had brought her. After all she knew that if she were to complain she would appear week in front of her fellow slave girl Illina. As her black eyes looked down as she nodded. “I dare say that it must have something to do with the fact that he is getting to be the age of twenty.” Andreaoh said. “And the tomb that his god